Evelyne E
Shamrocks are green, Outfits are green, All is green, The Grinch will envy me ahahahahaI`m The Jester the happy and the naughty one, I have a Shamrock Scepter and i want to make the biggest covered wall of shamrocks. Help me in my quest and I`l repay you with prizes and a happy and also naughty time with me. 1. The member that sends me the most shamrocks during the contest days will win automatically a 30 minutes pvt show with me.2. Because shamrock means luck, one lucky random member that sends me a shamrock will be extracted randomly to win a 20 minutes pvt show with me 3. And because all is not about money will give a 30 days fan club membership to the member that makes me laugh with the funniest story.
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